Monday, September 15, 2014

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Cloud-based SaaS Applications

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a key capability for Software as a Service (SaaS) applications particularly when there is a need to integrate with existing enterprise applications. In the enterprise world dominated by SOAP-based web services, security has been traditionally achieved with standards like WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecureConversation, WS-Trust, XML Encryption, XML Signatures, the WS-Security SAML Token Profile, and XACML.

During the last few years, the popularity of Web APIs, mobile technology, and Cloud-based software services has led to the emergence of light-weight security standards in support of the new REST/JSON paradigm with specifications like OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

In this post, I discuss the state of the art in standards for SSO.

SAML2 Web SSO Profile

SAML2 Web SSO Profile (not to be confused with the WS-Security SAML Token Profile mentioned earlier) is not a new standard. It was approved as an OASIS standard in 2005. SAML2 Web SSO Profile is still today a force to reckon with when it comes to enabling SSO within the enterprise. In a post titled SAML vs OAuth: Which One Should I Use?, Anil Saldhana, former Lead Identity Management Architect at Red Hat offered the following suggestions:

  • If your usecase involves SSO (when at least one actor or participant is an enterprise), then use SAML.
  • If your usecase involves providing access (temporarily or permanent) to resources (such as accounts, pictures, files etc), then use OAuth.
  • If you need to provide access to a partner or customer application to your portal, then use SAML.
  • If your usecase requires a centralized identity source, then use SAML  (Identity provider).
  • If your usecase involves mobile devices, then OAuth2 with some form of Bearer Tokens is appropriate. who is arguably the leader in cloud-based SaaS services supports SAML2 Web SSO Profile as one of its main SSO mechanisms (see the Salesforce Single Sign-On Implementation Guide). The Google Apps platform supports SAML2 Web SSO Profile as well.

Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM), a US Federal Government initiative has selected SAML2 Web SSO Profile for the purpose of Level of Assurance (LOA) 1 to 4 as defined by the NIST Special Publication 800-62-2 (see ICAM SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile). This is significant given the challenges associated with identity federation at the scale of a large organization like the US federal government.

SAML bindings specify underlying transport protocols including:

  • HTTP Redirect Binding
  • HTTP POST Binding
  • HTTP Artifact Binding
  • SAML SOAP Binding.

SAML profiles define how the SAML assertions, protocols, and bindings are combined to support particular usage scenarios. The Web Browser SSO Profile and the Single Logout Profile are the most commonly used profiles.

Identity Provider (idP) initiated SSO with POST binding is one the most popular implementations (see diagram below from the OASIS SAML Technical Overview for a typical authentication flow).

The SAML2 Web SSO ecosystem is very mature, cross-platform, and scalable. There are a number of open source implementations available as well. However, things are constantly changing in technology and identity federation is no exception. At the Cloud Identity Summit in 2012, Craig Burton, a well known analyst in the identity space declared:

 SAML is the Windows XP of Identity. No funding. No innovation. People still use it. But it has no future. There is no future for SAML. No one is putting money into SAML development. No one is writing new SAML code. SAML is dead.
 Craig Burton further clarified his remarks by saying:

SAML is dead does not mean SAML is bad. SAML is dead does not mean SAML isn’t useful. SAML is dead means SAML is not the future.
At the time, this provoked a storm in the Twitterverse because of the significant investments that have been made by enterprise customers to implement SAML2 for SSO. 


There is an alternative to SAML2 Web SSO Profile called WS-Federation which is supported in Microsoft products like Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Windows Identity Foundation (WIF), and Azure Active Directory. Microsoft has been a strong promoter of WS-Federation and has implemented WS-Federation in several products. There is also a popular open source identity server on the .NET platform called Thinktecture IdentityServer v2 which also supports WS-Federation.

For enterprise SSO scenarios between business partners exclusively using Microsoft products and development environment, WS-Federation could be a serious contender. However, SAML2 is more widely supported and implemented outside of the Microsoft world. For example, and Google Apps do not support WS-Federation for SSO. Note that Microsoft ADFS implements the SAML2 Web SSO Profile in addition to WS-Federation.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of OAuth2. It has been ratified by the OpenID Foundation in February 2014 but has been in development for several years. Nat Sakimura's Dummy’s guide for the Difference between OAuth Authentication and OpenID is a good resource for understanding the difference between OpenID, OAuth2, and OpenID Connect. In particular, it explains why OAuth2 alone is not strictly an authentication standard. The following diagram from the OpenID Connect specification represents the components of the OpenID Connect stack (click to enlarge).

Also note that OAuth2 tokens can be JSON Web Token (JWT) or SAML assertions.

The following is the basic flow as defined in the OpenID Connect specification:

  1. The RP (Client) sends a request to the OpenID Provider (OP).
  2. The OP authenticates the End-User and obtains authorization.
  3. The OP responds with an ID Token and usually an Access Token.
  4. The RP can send a request with the Access Token to the UserInfo Endpoint.
  5. The UserInfo Endpoint returns Claims about the End-User.

There are two subsets of the Core functionality with corresponding implementer’s guides:

  • Basic Client Implementer’s Guide –for a web-based Relying Party (RP) using the OAuth code flow
  • Implicit Client Implementer’s Guide – for a web-based Relying Party using the OAuth implicit flow

OpenID Connect is particularly well-suited for modern applications which offer RESTful Web APIs,  support JSON payloads, run on mobile devices, and are deployed to the Cloud. Despite being a relatively new standard, OpenID Connect also boasts an impressive list of implementations across platforms. It is already supported by big players like Google, Microsoft, PayPal, and Salesforce.  In particular, Google is consolidating all federated sign-in support onto the OpenID Connect standard. Open Source OpenID Connect Identity Providers include the Java-based OpenAM and the .Net-based Thinktecture Identity Server v3.

From WS* to JW* and JOSE

As can be seen from the diagram above, a complete identity federation ecosystem based on OpenID Connect will also require standards for representing security assertions, digital signatures, encryption, and cryptographic keys. These standards include:

  • JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
  • JSON Web Key (JWK)
  • JSON Web Algorithms (JWA).

There is a new acronym for these emerging JSON-based identity and security protocols: JOSE which stands for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption. It is also the name of the IETF Working Group developing JWS, JWE, and JWK. A Java-based open source implementation called jose4j is available.

Access Control with the User Managed Access (UMA)

According to the UMA Core specification,

User-Managed Access (UMA) is a profile of OAuth 2.0. UMA defines how resource owners can control protected-resource access by clients operated by arbitrary requesting parties, where the resources reside on any number of resource servers, and where a centralized authorization server governs access based on resource owner policy.
In the UMA protocol, OpenID Connect provides federated SSO and is also used to convey user claims to the authorization server. In a previous post titled Patient Privacy at Web Scale, I discussed the application of UMA to the challenges of patient privacy.

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